We offer a wide range of services.

A CIPD survey estimate that the cost of absence to the UK economy is around £12bn per year, and that many organisations have little or no means of dealing with sickness. We can support you in properly managing all aspects of short and long term sickness including return to work processes, doctors reports etc. all in compliance with the current legislative processes.

We have experience of coaching all levels of managers to identify and help initiate change in order to transform their performance. Our coaches have an excellent approach, which ensures that the responsibility for owning, resolving and taking action rests directly with the coachee. Our coaches adopt effective questioning techniques as well as giving clear and direct feedback whilst actively listening to the issues.  This approach enables the manager to identify the changes required to achieve the results.

There are a number of different approaches to this area of HR from focus groups and workshops to more formal engagement surveys.  Whatever the approach the key is to be clear about the feedback obtained for the business, which we will deliver to you in an agreed format.  We often find that it is the simple things that can make a real difference to a business e.g. be clear about the Company direction, improved communication, providing feedback and consistency in management methods.  We will work with the business to design a plan to ensure that the employee engagement activities fit the brief and will continue to engage the employees.

All employers need to ensure that they are meeting the contents of the Equality Act 2010. As you are aware it is your responsibility as an employer to ensure that harassment, bullying and discrimination doesn’t taken place in the workplace.  Put simply ignoring equality and diversity issues can cost you financially and emotionally, as well as having an impact on morale and productivity.  We can provide you with training and updates on employment law to support you and your employees in this area.

This is the bread and butter part of our services, we have a wealth of HR and legal expertise that can support all organisations to develop an HR Strategy supported by a suite of HR policies and procedures which comply with employment legislation and are tailored to meet the needs of your organisation.

This is something that most people think they are good at, after all it is only a conversation? However how many times have you attended an interview and left feeling underwhelmed?

Our sessions are interactive and fun, and cover the whole spectrum of attracting candidates and the job description / person specification, to how to prepare and perform at interview. Participants have the opportunity to practice their Interview skills and to receive constructive feedback from an experienced recruiter.

We have combined our knowledge and skills to create a practical half day or a full day training workshop designed to equip employers with the skills that you need to perform at your best.

Our HR Consultants have a broad level of experience of supporting line managers, Chief Executives and Board Members with tricky grievance and disciplinary investigations which require an independent or impartial view. Our services are timely, considered and provide the level of independence required for making a fair and balanced decision on the evidence presented.

We can offer an independent HR advice on all of your employment relation issues, with the objective of understanding the underlying causes of conflict and identifying remedies which help to prevent such issues from escalating or reaching employment tribunals.

Mediation is one approach.  It is recognised conflict management strategy used for resolving conflict between 2 or more parties. Our experienced and qualified mediators are highly trained and work with the parties involved to define the best solution, on most issues.

Our HR Consultants have a broad level of experience of supporting line managers, Chief Executives and Board Members with tricky grievance and disciplinary investigations which require an independent or impartial view.  Our services are timely, considered and provide the level of independence required for making a fair and balanced decision on the evidence presented. We also have the benefit of having Employment Law specialists as Associates which means that our advice and guidance always complies with legislation and best practice.

If you have ever wondered where to start when it comes to hiring a new member of staff, we are here to help.  We have extensive experience of recruitment and selection and are continually updating our knowledge and approach with market trends.  Before we could start we would need to ask you a few questions.  We can then produce a Recruitment and Selection plan which would enable your Company to attract, recruit and retain the best possible talent.

We can also train your managers in how to apply and comply with your Recruitment policies and procedures, as well as how to be effective.   We adopt a structured interview approach supported by work related exercises to ensure that quality and fair recruitment decisions are made.

Our sessions are interactive and fun, and cover the whole spectrum of attracting candidates and the job description / person specification, to how to prepare and perform at interview. Participants have the opportunity to practice their Interview skills and to receive constructive feedback from an experienced recruiter.

Redundancies and Restructures is never the best part of management but when it does happen it is vitally important that Companies get it right.  As well as trying to maintain the morale of the workforce which can often benefit from effective HR advice and support.

If you are about to undergo a restructure process or are thinking about reducing staffing levels we can help in a number of areas:

  • Writing your redundancy and restructure policy and implementation plan, including identifying the scale and the impact of the change that is required, and the savings to be made.
  • Developing your redundancy and restructure processes including communication plan, new job descriptions / design etc.
  • Supporting you with collective redundancy exercises and negotiation with your trade union partners.
  • Assisting you to recruit to your new structure in a professional and credible way which instils confidence in recruiters and the employees going through the process.
  • Supporting employees to cope with the changing circumstances as well as practical support for those affected e.g. outplacement support, Skills Audits, CV writing and Interview Skills.

As our business has developed so has our offering, we have tried to reflect the requirements of our clients. For this reason we now offer the option to work with our clients either for a short period such as a few months, or on a retainer basis, so that we can get to grips with a range of interconnecting issues arising within the company at the same time.  If this is something that you think is right for your business please get in touch.

If you haven’t found what you really need in our information today than please send us an email and let us know what it is you need.